David G. Brown grew up and worked in Woonsocket, RI. He has two sons and two grandchildren, and resides in Anchorage, AK with his significant better half, Maureen Hanlon. An avid reader and writer, he credits the Creative Writing program at Cuesta College (CA) and the Alaska Writers Guild for advancing his writing career. Mr. Brown freelanced for the Woonsocket Call, Castro Valley Forum (CA), and Edibles Easy Bay (CA). Fragmento is his latest book to be published. He has also authored a true crime book, Deacon’s Crossbow (2012), as well as Shadowing Dizzy Gillespie (2017), a memoir/biography. Extra curricular activities include politricks, sports (especially fishing), nature worshiping, music, creative writing workshops, and crossword puzzles.
Meet David G. Brown
David's Newest Book

Fragmento Synopsis
Fragmento is a character driven collection of 52 related stories ranging from humorous to thought-provoking, erotic to spiritual. Set in the United States, the story revolves around two traveling protagonists. Between many of the stories can be found one-page vignettes. Although elements of fragmentation have a significant definition throughout, the reader will soon recognize there is a solid thread linking each story, as though connected like the anatomy of the human body. Fragmento is a novel filled with action, conscience, and maturity that builds to an unexpected finale, and begs for a sequel.
Cover by Bohoy Design